Sunday, June 1, 2008

i swear we were infinite...

I'm finally reading 'The Perks of Being a Wallflower,' a book that I've heard for a long time that I just HAD to read, and now that I'm finally reading it, I understand why. One quote that really struck me is the description of a moment of perfection... with the words, "and in that moment, I swear we were infinite."

Wow. That simple sentence holds so much meaning. It made me think of those 'infinite' moments that I have experienced, and I decided to journal about an experience that still feels infinite to me, in my recollection of it.

The tranquil water stood still, reflecting the moonlight. The soft candlelight flickered across the dock, and cast a silvery glow across the lake. The stars shone in their dazzling spectacle, in this oasis far from the city lights... far from human touch.... far from worries and complications... I sat up and pulled the blanket up around my shoulders. I forgot how cold summer nights could be. Yet, surrounded by those who meant the most to me, I felt so comfortable... embraced in the warmth of the knowledge that I was exactly where I was meant to be. I laid back down and stared at the stars that weren't blocked by the branches above us. How did I get here? What did I do that was so great to deserve this? In that moment, I felt that God was so close that I could touch Him. Surrounded by the beauty of God's creation, I could feel the power all around me, and yet within me all at once. No where I would rather have been. We embraced, and prayed together... shared our innermost secrets, and fears, and dreams. We stared at the sky and the moon and listened to the sounds of summer nights. The wind gently moved across us, and I felt so alive. Thank you, God. For everything; All of this... I had never felt so at peace. It's the quiet moments, the simple times that make me feel like this.. It's those times that make us who we are. The infinite moments build us...